The Shownote Analytics Platform

Automatically track link clicks from your podcast's show notes. Jumplinks help you track listener engagement (what they are clicking on) and monetize your podcast in new ways.

Good Shownotes Take Time - We Makes it Easy

Podcasting is a passive medium. Listeners choose their platform and when they listen. Podcasters can use JumpLinks to track clicks, deliver a timely call to action, and drive more revenue.

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Track Clicks

We keep track of how many times a JumpLink has been clicked no matter which app your listener is using so you can know what content people enjoyed most.

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Drive Interactions

Before a listener leaves your show notes, you can preesnt them with a call to action. Join a newsletter. Rate the show. Share with a friend. Learn more about a sponsor.

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Don't rely on vanity URLs or checkout codes to capture a sale from your sponsor. Use our affiliate links or add your own so you know your affiliate link is clicked.

How it works

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    Create Your Account & Add Your Podcast

    After you create your account, claim your podcast so we can import your episodes and start reviuewing your current show notes.

    Find Your Podcast
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    Connect Your Podcast Host (Optional)

    We connect directly to your podcast host so we can update your show notes automatically after your episodes are published. Just publish a new episode and we'll update your show notes.

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    We Listen for New Episodes

    We listen for new episodes and check your episode description for links. We'll update the links in your description with jumplinks so you can start tracking clicks.

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    AI Reviews Your Show Notes and Makes Suggestions

    We review your show notes and make suggestions for how you can improve your engagement. We'll make sure your chapters are formatted correctly, suggest links to add, and more.

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    Track Clicks and Revenue in the Dashboard

    Use the dashboard to see how many clicks your links are getting and how much revenue your links are generating. We pay out affiliate revenue monthly.

JumpLinks can be the connection to your listeners.

Adopting JumpLink into your podcast is a process. You need to teach your listeners how to access them. But they can be the key to supercharging your engagement and audience interactions. Learn more about using JumpLink on our blog.