
JumpLinks can supercharge a podcast's engagement by giving listeners a single-source of access to all the links and resources shared during a show.


Share External Links

When you’re recording a podcast, you often find you need to share something with your audience. But reading a long URL or directing listeners to your twitter feed or website isn’t easy either. So you tell people, “google this” or visit an easy URL. JumpLinks help you share difficult links with your audience.

Track Engagement

JumpLinks offer podcasters something that is hard to know as a podcaster…is anyone listening?! JumpLinks give you data about when listeners engage with the content you are sharing. This can be valuable data for your show and for your marketing strategies.

Monetize Your Influence

JumpLinks give you the perfect opportunity to add a new monetization source that offers unique pricing. Join affiliate networks and get paid when people click. Receive a commission for a sale without worrying if your audience used the referral code.